本中心邀請加拿大渥太華大學 (University of Ottawa) André Laliberté 教授演講,演講資訊如下:
【日期】2018年11月29日 12:00 - 14:00
【地點】政治大學綜合院館南棟12樓 第三會議室
【講題】Justice for Caring: Towards an End to the Invisibility of Migrant Caregivers in Taiwan
【報名】請至 聯合報名系統
André Laliberté is a full professor in political studies at the University of Ottawa. He looks into the intersection of the political and the religious in China and Taiwan, in the context of democratic transition, authoritarian resilience and the implementation of social policy. He holds funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council for a research program on secularism with Chinese characteristics in a comparative perspective; as co-investigator leads a team looking at the impact of cultural values on the political economy of care in East Asia; and he collaborates, as a comparativist, with a research team working on religion and diversity. Since 2016, he has joined a multi-disciplinary team based in Leipzig that examines the variety of secularism beyond the West. He is also a research fellow at the Centre on Religion and Chinese Society at Purdue University, and at the Groupe Sociétés, Religions et Laïcité, in Paris, since the Fall of 2013. From January to June 2011, he was a visiting scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Centre; from May to June 2012, visiting fellow at the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Hong Kong; from May to July 2013, research fellow at the GSRL; and from January to June 2014, visiting professor and TLKY Chair at the Institute for Asian Research at the University of British Columbia. From January to December 2019, he will be a research fellow at the University of Leipzig.